Toledo man gets 8 years in prison for raping 5-year-old

BOWLING GREEN — A Toledo man has been sentenced to eight years in prison for raping a 5-year-old girl in 2019.

Gregory Scott Kamer, Jr., 38, was convicted in the Wood County Court of Common Pleas of rape, the Wood County Prosecutor’s Office announced Thursday. The plea and sentence were joint recommendations from both the prosecution and the defendant, with the agreement of the victim’s family.

Kamer had previously been found guilty by a Wood County jury of four counts of rape of a minor and sentenced to four consecutive life terms in prison.

The previous verdict was thrown out by the 6th District Court of Appeals, which ruled the testimony of investigators identifying what the victim had told them about Kamer’s assaults should not have been admitted at trial. They also found the testimony of a second child, who testified Kamer had attacked her in similar fashion, should not have been used to demonstrate he had committed the acts in question.

“The result of this case is far less than we wanted and far less than he deserves,” said Wood County Prosecuting Attorney Paul Dobson. “Unfortunately, between the decision of the court of appeals, which would have required us to put that little girl back in front of a jury, and the other evidentiary problems their decision created, we were forced to seek a different resolution.”

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