The Last Recorded Mountain Lion Sighting in Tennessee

KNOXVILLE, TN – Mountain lions, also known as cougars or pumas, were once native to Tennessee, roaming freely across the state’s forests and mountains.

According to Union University, these large cats played a crucial role in the ecosystem, serving as apex predators and helping to control populations of deer and smaller animals. Historical records suggest that mountain lions were common in the state before European settlers arrived in the region.

However, as settlers expanded westward during the 19th century, the mountain lion population in Tennessee began to decline rapidly. The settlers brought advanced hunting methods and firearms, which made it easier to hunt these big cats, according to Union University.

Additionally, deforestation and habitat destruction reduced the areas where mountain lions could live and hunt, further diminishing their numbers.

By the early 20th century, mountain lions were considered extirpated from Tennessee.

But despite that, sightings are still reported, and the most recent sighting was reported just days ago.

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