Florida’s SeaWorld Orlando Welcomes Rescued Pacific Walrus Calf Ukiaq

SeaWorld Orlando is celebrating the arrival of a rare rescued Pacific walrus calf named Ukiaq, affectionately called Uki. Found orphaned on the beaches of Utqiagvik, Alaska, Uki was brought to SeaWorld after receiving life-saving care at the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC). At approximately 220 pounds, she arrived on September 18 and is now under the expert care of SeaWorld’s animal specialists.

Uki’s journey began when community members in Alaska found her abandoned, and a rescue effort was swiftly coordinated with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The ASLC provided critical medical treatment before she was deemed non-releasable and transferred to SeaWorld Orlando for long-term care. The park, known for its commitment to wildlife rescue, provides a nurturing environment, including a female walrus that may serve as Uki’s surrogate.

While Uki adjusts to her new surroundings, she won’t be introduced to guests immediately. For now, she’s receiving 24/7 care to ensure a smooth transition and continued development.

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