Downtown Modesto walls getting a makeover. Some will be visible from popular park

Audiences listening at next summer’s MoBand concerts at Graceada Park’s Mancini Bowl also will get a visual treat, thanks to DoMo Walls.

Four traveling artists and one local artist will create large-scale murals on downtown Modesto walls during the annual DoMo Walls project. They will work from 8 a.m. Monday, Sept. 30, through 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 4.

Two of the murals will be visible from the concerts at Graceada Park: on walls at 1414 L St. and 1115 15th St., according to an email from Heidi Savage, CEO at the Downtown Modesto Partnership.

DoMo Walls is presented by the nonprofit Downtown Modesto Partnership (DoMo) and curated by local artist Aaron Vickery, known as “Fasm,” according to a press release. The project began in 2018.

“Over the years, this event has added an impressive 25 world-class murals to the heart of our city, contributing to its cultural richness,” the release said.

While anyone can stop by daily to view the artists at work, the completed murals will be celebrated Oct. 4 during this season’s last DoMo First Fridays street fair.

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