United Airlines pilot shocks beleaguered fliers with generous gift following hours-long delay

A United Airlines pilot treated passengers to a cheesy surprise when he ordered 30 pizza pies to a New Mexico airport following an emergency landing that caused an hours-long delay.

The pilot remedied an already “disheartening” situation and personally ordered the pizzas for the 150 passengers to the gate from a local restaurant – a gesture that “completely shocked” everyone, passenger Tanya Stamos told Fox News .

“Most organizations do not go above and beyond, but that captain did not hesitate,” Stamos told Fox.

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“His display that evening is what we should have more of: selfless acts of love, compassion and humanity.”

A United Airlines flight scheduled to fly from San Francisco, California to Houston, Texas on Sept. 13 was forced to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff to Albuquerque, New Mexico when a passenger collapsed in the bathroom and required medical assistance, Fox News reported.

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