Idaho Lawmakers Consider New Restrictions on Vaping

When they reconvene in Boise next year, state lawmakers are looking into additional regulations for e-cigarette and vaping products to help reduce underage usage. In Idaho, recent surveys have shown a troubling increase in vaping among young people, prompting calls for action from health advocates and concerned parents. Lawmakers are considering measures such as raising the minimum purchase age, implementing stricter advertising restrictions, and possibly banning flavored products that appeal to younger users. With the goal of creating a safer environment for the youth, these proposed regulations aim to address the escalating public health crisis while balancing the interests of local businesses.

On Wednesday, a legislative committee gathered proposals from the tobacco industry, retailers, and health officials as they prepared to draft an official bill for the next session.

“If we increase the costs and the regulation of vaping products, it will make it harder for our children to access them,” said Twin Falls County Commissioner Don Hall.

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