Foundation helps Latinos in Colorado excel in higher education

Latin American Educational Foundation helps produce many successful scholars in Colorado 02:21

Thanks to the Latin American Educational Foundation, many of Colorado’s future leaders are able to better access higher education. LAEF helps provide scholarship money to Latinos throughout Colorado who are pursuing college degrees.

One of those who has earned the scholarship of late is Armando Maqueda Garcia.  Maqueda Garcia, a senior at Colorado State University, is a leader on campus.

“I am really honored to be here at Colorado State University,” Maqueda Garcia said.

Maqueda Garcia is the son of Mexican immigrants who call Colorado home.

“They left Mexico as teenagers. For me to be able to graduate from a four-year institute really goes to show that their hard work has paid off,” Maqueda Garcia said.

While Maqueda Garcia is a strong student, he said focusing on his education wouldn’t have been as easy if he had to spend extra time working several jobs in order to pay for schooling. Thanks to scholarships like the one he has received from LAEF, Maqueda Garcia can focus on his studies each night.

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