Expert issues warning on why you should never smell grocery store roses

Don’t stop and smell the roses. Apparently, there’s more going on with roses than just a pretty look and cautious thorns.

The hidden truth of roses

It’s so serious that if he absolutely has to touch them, he’ll only do it with gloves.

Park specializes in seasonal blooms, cultivating them through sustainable and affordable methods from Korea. He runs Bucket Works, a business that provides in-store arrangements and floral artistry for weddings, gatherings, and magazine projects.

“Here’s why I never ever ever smell the roses from a grocery store or retail florist and why I would never set up a rose petal bath for someone I care about, and why I use gloves if I have to work with them,” he says in the clip.

Park explains his reasoning by reading a descriptive passage from a book called ‘Flower Confidential: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful‘ by Amy Stewart that delves into industrial flower production around the world.

The excerpt from the book Park is referring to is Stewart’s initial-person narrative about a rose plantation in South America.

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