UW-Tacoma is welcoming a new class. Here’s how Tacomans can help them succeed Opinion

You’re correct if you sense a change in the air in Tacoma. But it has nothing to do with the weather. All of us at the University of Washington Tacoma are excited about starting a new academic year. And we’ve got a lot to be excited about.

“U-Dub T” is a diverse campus that has welcomed students to the heart of downtown Tacoma since 1990. Then, approximately 400 students were enrolled. Now, we are welcoming 1,700 new first-year and transfer students for the Autumn 2024 quarter — a class size we haven’t seen since before the pandemic.

Our campus is vibrant, enrolling traditional and non-traditional-aged students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Some have overcome significant challenges to be here. Our focus is on providing access and ensuring student success, regardless of where students come from or what they’ve been through. Indeed, our goal is to make higher education accessible for all.

Our students come to us for various reasons, but they all share the belief that their degree will open doors. Faculty, staff and alumni are committed to helping them achieve their goals and realize career and social mobility. It’s worth the investment, too; with undergraduate tuition ringing in at just under $13,000, and nearly $57 million in financial aid disbursed, U. S. World News and Reports recently rated the UW Tacoma as the number-one regional institution for social mobility in Washington with an abundance of resources to help students stay successful in and out of the classroom.

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