Safety at the Tulsa State Fair is not just about law enforcement

We hear your concerns about safety at the Tulsa State Fair so 2 News headed to the fair to reveal why keeping you safe is not just about law enforcement.

But it does start there.

Tulsa police handle security outside the fairgrounds, such as parking lots.

The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Department handles security inside. This year, it has added measures you will and won’t see to beef up security.

Capt. Mike Moore with the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office called the first weekend “a pretty good start to the fair.”

After working the fair for 17 years, he’s seen many incidents, but over the first weekend, he mainly saw minor fights among teens that led to some arrests.

However, there were two more serious incidents.

“We’ve had one arrest for a stabbing which we quickly apprehended the suspect – the victim is gonna be okay- that was two adults,” Moore said. “We’ve had one juvenile arrest for gun possession which through proactive police work we were able to interdict before it became an issue.”

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