Kris Kristofferson: Remembering Country Music’s Most Interesting Man

The country music world said goodbye to one of its heroes today. At 88 years old, country music icon

Kris Kristofferson sadly passed away

at his home in Hawaii. And if I was to blindly give you the following resume that someone racked up by the age of 30, what career do you think its owner would have chosen? Rhodes Scholar, award winning essayist, three sport letterman in college, Golden Gloves boxer, cadet commander of ROTC, sports editor of a newspaper, helicopter pilot, Army Ranger, dredging contractor, and even… record label janitor? Truthfully, the list would be endless, as they could have pursued any number of careers, including professional athlete, ranking military officer, journalist, novelist, corporate executive, heck it’s almost not worth trying to figure out all the possibilities that come with being a Rhodes scholar alone. But what about country music singer/songwriter? As strange as it may seem, that’s exactly what Kris chose to do with his life, leaving all of those opportunities, including an offer to teach at West Point, to chase a dream.

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