Share the Love application process has opened

Molalla’s Share the Love program is now taking applications for those in need within the community.

Last year STL raised $108,000 for the Rose and Stillinger families.

The organization is looking for new new people in the community that are going through any sort of financial difficulties. If you or anyone you know is interested in applying, applications are available on the Molalla High School website, Molalla High School front office, or posted on the Share the Love Facebook page.

Share the Love is a nonprofit organization in Molalla led by the high school leadership class.

Help each year is determined through an application process and selection committee. To raise funds, Share the Love hosts events and partners with local businesses for three weeks throughout the month of February to raise money for each year’s recipients.

In the past, Share the Love has helped recipients that have experienced natural disasters, extreme medical bills due to illnesses, and much more. Share the Love kicks off with an opening assembly on Jan. 31 and concludes with an assembly on Feb. 21.

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