Smokey Bear should be proud of the men and women fighting Idaho fires Opinion


Smokey Bear should be proud of his agency, The U.S. Forest Service. I am. Over 50 years ago, I worked summers as a USFS Wilderness Ranger. Then, naturally caused fire was healthy for the forests and it still is. Now, natural and man-caused forest fires are often totally destructive due to climate change among other reasons. In the West, we are paying the price for ignoring the red flags of rapid climate change. We all suffer from bad air quality or miles of charred woods and grasslands. Those of us with cabins and homes in the wildland urban interface are at great risk.

Our cabin is 10 miles west of Grandjean, where the Wapiti started. The USFS and Boise County firefighters were heroes in protecting our little enclave of 15 or so cabins. The rain ultimately saved us, but I have no doubt that their efforts would have protected our cabins from burning had it engulfed our community.

The Forest Service and other governmental entities like counties and local fire departments are working tirelessly and successfully to save our structures. For weeks now, we have watched the men and women of these organizations clear brush and trees, lay down miles of hoses and set up water pumps to protect our beloved cabin, leaving it and others better prepared for fire than they were.

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