Anti-Israel protesters vandalize home of Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs

CHICAGO, Ill. (WTVO) — The home of Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs was vandalized by pro-Palestinian protesters early Tuesday morning.

According to Frerichs, the group was demonstrating against Illinois’ decision to invest in companies with financial ties to Israel, by shouting on bullhorns outside his home in the early morning hours.

The protesters began at a Monday fundraiser for Frerich’s re-election campaign, and later resumed at his private residence.

Frerichs said the vandals threw red paint on the front of his home and damaged toys belonging to his 1-year-old twins.

“The lead woman had a bullhorn, and she made it very clear what her reasons were (for protesting),” Frerichs said, NBC5 Chicago reported. “She made it very clear by singling out my children, calling out, saying she knew that they were at home, knew that they were in their cribs and that they shouldn’t be allowed to sleep.”

“Everyone has the right to peacefully protest and petition their government for change,” he said in a statement. “This was not a peaceful protest. These activists meant to cause fear and intimidation through scare tactics. They threatened my twin 1-year-old boys. They defaced our home and our sons’ toys with red paint, and they wore masks and shone a light at a security camera to shield their faces.

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