Thousands join search for Lucky, dog stolen in Pennsylvania, on Facebook

Search for Lucky continues as thousands try to help on social media 02:52

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — The community has rallied to find Lucky, the dog that was inside an 87-year-old Pittsburgh-area man’s car when it was stolen. A Facebook page dedicated to bringing him home has thousands of members.

It’s been a week and a half since 87-year-old Willard Martz had his car stolen at the Tractor Supply Company store in Mt. Pleasant with his dog Lucky still inside. Since that time, police tracked down the man they believe stole Martz’s car, 43-year-old Kenneth Crider . Police recovered the car, damaged after a high-speed chase in North Carolina. Lucky, however, has never been found.

Crider told police he dumped Lucky at a rest stop near Selma, North Carolina. Since that news came out, the number of people searching for Lucky has grown into the thousands thanks in part to exploding online interest, including a Facebook group called ” Bring Lucky HOME to PA .”

“I saw that a dog had been stolen and I put it on my page and it took off. So I thought, ‘oh, this is going to be big’ and it was consuming my page. So I talked to the family and they allowed me to do a bring Lucky home page,” said creator Tracy Mooney-Ruffner.

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