Blood Bank of Delmarva launches first-of-its-kind blood donation experience

Blood Bank of Delmarva is launching a new blood donation experience with the introduction of its state-of-the-art Blood Donation Pods.

These portable and sustainable Pods are designed to provide a more comfortable, efficient, and convenient donation experience.

The Blood Donation Pods are portable donor centers equipped with comfortable donor beds, a climate-controlled environment, and entertainment options, including access to streaming services and music to keep donors entertained throughout their donation process.

Donors have the option of donating whole blood, double red cells, or platelets – a much-needed donation type that is typically limited to fixed donor centers only.

Recognizing that the average person is willing to travel only 10 minutes or 10 miles to donate blood, Blood Bank of Delmarva is prioritizing convenience and bringing lifesaving opportunities to every corner of the tri-state area.

Given the limited number of donor centers – only 19 in the region – these portable Pods serve as convenient, mobile donor centers, making it easier for communities far from established centers to participate in this lifesaving mission. Cities, towns, and organizations can host a Pod in their communities from a few days to multiple weeks, providing flexible access to blood donation.

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