Ford’s latest accessory: A special seat belt for breast cancer patients. How it came to be

Lynn Simoncini of Grosse Pointe Farms comes from a big Italian family and loves to cook.

She is a wife and mother who can often be found thrifting at flea markets, antique shops or the Salvation Army. She helps the unhoused. She takes in stray dogs. She feeds the hungry. And with her son’s departure for the University of Michigan, she is now an empty nester.

She has so many things in common with so many people, including her fight against a disease so common that most women accept the fact that they’ll one day get it — or be there to support a sister, daughter or best friend in their fight.

Simoncini doesn’t call herself a survivor.

“I’m not through the woods yet,” she said. “I worry about whether I’m going to be here two or three years from now.”

As someone who knows cars and knows consumers, too, and understands the pain of breast cancer treatment and surgical recovery, Simoncini decided to take action that would result in a unique accessory designed by Ford Motor Co. that helps to alleviate pain caused by the cross-body strap seat belt.

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