Opinion: With a law that protects women and babies, Iowa is on the right path

A recent Iowa Poll by the Des Moines Register and Mediacom suggests that Iowans oppose our recently passed heartbeat law. They are using this poll to rally support in voting out the Republicans who supported this protection for Iowa families. But they aren’t stopping there; they are stating the only way for women to be free is to be able to kill their unborn child.

How absurd.

The first question of this poll was: “Iowa law currently bans abortion around the sixth week of pregnancy. Do you favor or oppose that law?”

Iowa doesn’t have a six-week abortion ban. Iowa has a law that states that, when a baby’s heartbeat can be detected via an abdominal ultrasound, an abortion cannot be performed. The detection of this fetal heartbeat varies from woman to woman, ranging from six to ten weeks. Starting the poll with such an inaccurate question taints the entire poll.

The Register editorial board, in its Sept. 29 “Most Iowans back abortion rights. Vote out the Republicans who took them away,” actually calls this life-saving law that protects human life at an early stage, “dehumanizing.” The editorial board asserts that it bans abortions before women know they are pregnant.

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