Mount Adams: Increase in Earthquakes Sparks Concern

Following a spike in small earthquakes in and around Mount Adams, scientists have stated that they are adding more seismic monitors in and around the volcano. While it’s typical for the volcano to see an earthquake every few years, September 2024 registered six small earthquakes. This is a bit more activity than scientists have recorded in recent years.

The smaller quakes typically aren’t felt by anyone, as they are under 3.0 on the scale. However, they have led scientists to be a bit more concerned about what might be going on. Mount Adams has many Lahars or lava flows that can quickly flow over the terrain.

Mount Adams last erupted between 3,800 and 7,600 years ago. Holly Weiss-Racine, a geologist with the volcano’s observatory, explained that “…they are small as far as earthquakes go.”

Mount Adams last erupted between 3,800 and 7,600 years ago. Holly Weiss-Racine, a geologist with the volcano’s observatory

The spike in earthquakes is interesting but doesn’t necessarily mean that the volcano will erupt anytime soon. Multiple indicators would signify that it was about to wake up, and so far, the only indication is the increase in the small quakes.

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