Elevating Orleans Park: Perrysburg council approves $923,733 multiuse trail

An Orleans Park improvement has been approved, with Perrysburg City Council planning for more work in the future.

Council voted last week to spend $923,733 for an elevated multiuse trail from Green Lane through the wooded area to the end of the existing path on the north side of the parking lot at Orleans Park. The park stretches along the Maumee River.

Weber Contracting of Archbold, Ohio, will do the work for $839,757 plus a 10 percent contingency.

Councilman Kerry Wellstein said the work is slated for next summer.

The 1-mile, 10-foot wide trail will start by the boat club, connect with an existing trail by the wastewater treatment plant, then wind to Orleans Park, she said.

“Right now it’s a mowed trail that you can walk on, it’s just not paved,” Mrs. Wellstein said after the meeting. “It going to really be fantastic. It will all be connected, and you’ll be able to bike on it, walk on it.”

Councilman Mark Webber added that the new trail will link other parks and paths.

“It’s connecting Hood Park to Fort Meigs, which also leads to the bridge across the river to go to Side Cut [Metropark],” he said. “It’s the missing link.”

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