Pima County Library District pauses plans to close Downtown libraries

The Pima County Library District has paused plans to close and renovate services at three underutilized libraries after facing concerns from residents. The original proposal, made on August 18, aimed to close several library locations to complete renovations.

Library Director Amber Mathewson said the district is reconsidering the plan. “We are just looking to try to give services in different ways,” she said.

Community members who rely on these libraries have expressed the importance of keeping them open.

“We need a library downtown, especially with all the new housing going up,” said Norm Friedman, a library-goer.

Mathewson acknowledged that libraries serve as vital community spaces, saying, “Our buildings are excellent places for community engagement. People come for programming, and we know that removing a library from an area would be difficult.”

The library district will hold community forums and conduct a survey at the end of the year to get feedback from the community. The goal is to better understand how these spaces can be improved to serve everyone. “We’re taking a pause to hear what the community is looking for,” Mathewson added.

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