Ancient aliens seen at A&J’s Halloween House in

Are aliens real? Did they leave evidence of their existence in Milwaukee’s Bay View neighborhood?

Well, if you drive down Clement Avenue you might see the remnants of an ancient alien civilization. Was it created by extraterrestrials or was it made by Jamie Beauchamp-Reid and Andy Reid? James Groh
A view of A&J’s Halloween House in Bay View on Clement Avenue.

“(Aliens) did not. I built this display,” Andy Reid said. “This took a long time. We actually started a month earlier than we would normally, and it was like right after the 4th of July.”

For nearly 20 years, the couple has been building large Halloween displays in their front yard. They call it A&J’s Halloween House. It will be lit up every night from now until Halloween. They typically turn off their lights around 9 or 10 pm. You can visit it at 2943 S. Clement Ave.

“I’ve always wanted to do something Egyptian with mummies, but we didn’t feel like there was a whole lot we could do with that. So we decided that we’re going to do a two-for. We are going to do ancient Egyptian with aliens because, you know, based off the show Ancient Aliens (aliens) built the pyramids.”

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