SPS wants to redraw boundary lines, changing attendance areas for 8 schools

At a Tuesday meeting, Springfield district officials outlined plans to redraw three attendance boundaries. They involve one middle school, one K-8 building and six elementary schools.

The potential shifts, which must be approved by the school board, were based upon a 2023 demographic study , close monitoring of residential development, school building capacity and utilization levels, school feeder patterns, and input from school principals.

“The purpose of all this work is to ensure we’re providing our students with quality educational spaces and resources,” said Bruce Douglas, chief information officer for Springfield Public Schools.

The moves are intended to add students in buildings that are underutilized and reduce the number of students at schools that are at or near capacity. Douglas said the goal is for schools to operate at 80-85% of capacity so they are nimble enough to handle enrollment fluctuations.

“We really want to aim for a sweet spot in the utilization of our spaces,” he said.

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