Two Colorado cities among ‘most dangerous’ places to live nationwide, says data analysis

A recent report from WalletHub sought to determine which places around the country were the safest and least safe places to call home – however, opposed to many data analyses, this one took factors outside of crime into account, as well.

In order to make their final ranking of major cities based on safety, the company compared 182 well-known American cities across 41 relevant metrics that fell into greater categories of ‘home and community safety,’ ‘natural-disaster risk,’ and ‘economic safety.’ While crime was a factor in the foremost category of data, which was also the most heavily-weighted category of data among the three, metrics related aspects of life like ‘share of uninsured drivers,’ ‘job security,’ and events like earthquakes, wildfires, and hail were also used to determine a given city’s ultimate safety score.

The lowest-ranking Colorado city (of the three that were included) on WalletHub’s final list was Denver, ranking 161st of 182 places overall. Denver’s ranking was brought down the most by ‘home and community safety’ factors, which included a lot of metrics related to crime. Denver’s fight against crime has been highly-publicized in recent years, with a recent report indicating that a crime occurs in Denver every 56 seconds. In the WalletHub analysis, Denver ranked 167th in this greater category of data.

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