‘Bracing for impact’: Pittsburgh natives impacted by Hurricane Milton share their stories

Former Pittsburghers are riding out Hurricane Milton .

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“We are bracing for impact,” Sonni Abatta told Channel 11. She moved to Orlando 15 years ago and says forecasters are calling for 90 mph wind gusts overnight. Rain fell for much of Wednesday.

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“I am hoping that the advantage of some of this happening overnight means we’ll be able to keep the kids calm and get through it. There’s nothing else we can do except ride it out,” she said.

Abatta is not in an evacuation zone. Neither is Don Brozick. He lives north of Orlando and is president of the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Club made up of former Pittsburghers.

“We took all our furniture out and all the things loose around the house and brought it in the house,” Brozick said. “We have enough bottled water and everything. The only thing is, hopefully, we’re not going to lose power.”

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