Wrong-way driver on Big Beaver Rd. had BAC more than twice the legal limit, 1/4 full bottle of tequila in his car: cops

TROY (WWJ) — A Hamtramck man is facing possible jail time after he was pulled over for driving down the road in the wrong direction, last week in Troy.

Troy Police said the 50-year-old suspect was spotted at around 3:25 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 4, as he was driving a 2022 Chevy Silverado in the eastbound lanes of westbound Big Beaver Rd., near Rochester Rd.

Officers made a traffic stop and spoke with the driver, noting that “his eyes were glassy, his speech was slurred, and there was a strong odor of intoxicants emanating from his person,” according to the police report.

After the driver failed a serious of sobriety evaluations, he was was arrested and taken to to the Troy Police lock-up.

During an inventory search of the man’s truck, officers found a ¼ full bottle of tequila, police said.

In lock-up, the driver was read his Chemical Test rights and he agreed to submit to a Chemical Breath Test with results of .195%, .201%, and .212% — which is more than twice the legal limit of .08%.

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