Illegal dumping in East Oakland neighborhood reaches unseen levels

Illegal dumping on East Oakland neighborhood street reaches unseen levels 03:23

The amount of illegal dumping on an Oakland residential street has reached a level not previously seen and neighbors say the city is ignoring to their demands to correct the problem.

On Thursday, an entire block of E Street between 91st and 92nd Avenue in East Oakland was covered with trash and debris, blocking cars and people from walking through their neighborhood.

“Just walking through, you see the obvious construction materials and you also see some household items,” resident Anselmo Troy said Thursday.

It’s a sight you wouldn’t expect to see in any residential neighborhood. Troy lives just blocks away and he’s been tracking the illegal dumping problem. Three days ago, he found the litter on E Street. He called 311, wrote emails and he says the city assured him this was a priority since a mountain of trash was blocking the road.

“I’ve been coming out the last three days throughout the day, because I was hoping that I would catch public works actually taking care of this,” said Troy. “It hasn’t happened. The smell is atrocious and it’s actually making me sad because living in Oakland my entire life, I’ve never witnessed anything like this.”

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