Riverside City Council rejects proposal that would ban items like flagpoles and masks at protests

The Riverside City Council voted down a proposal to limit demonstrators from bringing certain items to protests, including face coverings, metal containers and wooden sticks.

Several council members voiced concerns over potential First Amendment violations.

“I just see this as government overreach,” said Councilmember Sean Mill about the proposal, which was presented by Riverside Police Chief Larry Gonzalez. “It’s too broad and general in nature.

Mill also expressed concerns about how the ordinance would be enforced if it were approved.

“Essentially, if I were to show up with [an American] flag I bought on Amazon, I would technically be in violation of the ordinance,” said Mill, because the flag was attached to a wooden pole.

Mill also expressed concerns about the limitation on bringing metal containers to protests, referencing his own water bottle that was sitting on the council dais.

“It says metal water bottles are not allowed, so I can’t bring this [water bottle] to the protest if I’m thirsty?” he asked.

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