Hiring Freeze Not Enough, Chicago Mayor Tells City Departments to Cut Vacant Spots, Limit Projects

Chicago city leaders forced by Mayor Johnson to weigh tough budget cuts to address growing financial crisis

CHICAGO — As Chicago grapples with a ballooning budget deficit, Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration is urging city departments to consider cutting vacant positions and scaling back on projects to address a financial gap that has now surpassed $1 billion.

The mayor’s office has requested that Chicago department heads evaluate the impact of eliminating unfilled jobs and explore potential cost savings, according to Cristina Pacione-Zayas, the mayor’s chief of staff. The city, which has already frozen hiring, postponed the announcement of its budget by two weeks as the administration works to close a $223 million shortfall for the current year, along with an additional $982 million deficit projected for next year.

“The mayor has consistently said that everything is on the table,” Pacione-Zayas stated following a recent Chicago city council meeting. “Departments were asked to assess their vacancies, with an analysis already underway to understand where cuts might be feasible and what the operational impact could be.”

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