First baby box installed in the Shoals, marks 10th in the state of Alabama

COLBERT COUNTY, Ala. (WHNT) — The first baby box in the Shoals area is officially installed at the Muscle Shoals Fire Station 4.

There is now a safe space for desperate mothers and a place for them to turn to. Mothers can anonymously and safely make that choice for their babies, no questions asked.

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Colbert County Judge, Chad Smith, says it’s life-saving.

“It truly is a life-saving measure,” Smith said. “It has cooling, heating, and is very comfortable for a baby, the firefighters will get alerted when a baby is dropped off, and that child will then be taken to DHR for placement into our adoption program”

Representatives in the area say this is a needed investment. Kerry Underwood, State of Alabama Representative for District 3 says the Shoals area is growing quickly.

“We have about 100,000 people between the two counties, and so with that many people, there are going to be babies that are going to need the box and I’d rather have them a chance to live than a confused mother and father that do know what to do with their baby,” Underwood said.

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