Opinion: A dark money group is trying to manipulate voters with ads about Oklahoma judges

There’s been one ― and only one ― Oklahoma governmental body that we’ve been able to count on to restore sanity and stay out of the day-to-day political brawls and power struggles playing out in the state Capitol.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court .

So I guess it was only a matter of time before a group of conservatives took a whirl at dragging our highest court into the muck with the other branches of state government.

A conservative group cloaked in shadows launched a campaign urging voters to boot three of Supreme Court justices: Noma Gurich, Yvonne Kauger and James Edmondson. The group is  hoping to tilt the power on the court using our normally benign retention elections ― a section of the ballot that you’ve likely not paid much attention to before.

Retention ballot measures ask voters a simple “yes” or “no” question about whether appointed judges should continue to serve after their official appointment period ends (and at the Supreme Court level, they traditionally do).

More: Ads target Oklahoma Supreme Court justices over ‘padding the pockets of trial lawyers’

Story continues