To the editor: Reckless spending, rising property valuations hurt Ohio homeowners

In recent weeks, I’ve heard from numerous constituents about the sharp rise in property valuations, which is leading to significant property tax increases. This issue hits close to home — quite literally — as my own property value jumped an astonishing 71.59 percent. This increase, like those affecting so many in our community, feels arbitrary and unjustified, adding unnecessary financial strain on hardworking Ohioans already struggling with rising living costs.

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What’s happening in Lucas County offers a stark example. Contrary to what my Democrat colleague claimed in this newspaper last week (“Lucas Countians deserve property tax relief now,” Michele Grim, Thursday), it is reckless spending by local officials that has led to higher costs for services like 911 dispatch and advanced life support, costs that suburban communities are now forced to cover through new property tax levies. Even more concerning is the county’s insistence on pushing for a new jail project, despite voters having decisively rejected it. This pattern of overspending and fiscal irresponsibility is ultimately passed on to homeowners, who are left footing the bill for programs they did not ap-prove and may not benefit from. Overspending at the local level is to blame for these unsustainable tax hikes, and it needs to stop.

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