Watch manatees as they play in the warm lagoon waters in Palm Beach County on winter days

Manatees lumber throughout Florida’s shallow, slow-moving rivers, canals and bays. But with a population that state wildlife officials estimate to be somewhere around 7,500, spotting one — much less a herd — can be challenging unless you know where to look. One of the best spots in the state is at Florida Power & Light’s Manatee Lagoon, sitting on the city line between West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach.

Even before the viewing center opened in 2016, manatees made regular visits particularly during cold spells seeking the warmth of the outflow from the power plant into the Lake Worth lagoon. Manatees don’t just like warmer waters, they need it to survive, favoring temperatures close to 68 degrees or warmer.

South Florida’s water temperatures in winter hover are usually accommodating, typically registering around 75 degrees, but they can dip below 60 degrees overnight. That’s when they seek the lagoon, where water coming out of the plant runs about 84 to 86 degrees.

Florida manatee season runs from November 15 to March 31. And for seven years, Palm Beach Post photographer Greg Lovett has recorded those times when the manatees gather.

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