Little Footprints Memorial Walk: Remembrance and Healing

In Antwerp on October 6th, Little Footprints Memorial Walk held its inaugural event at the Antwerp Local School’s campus. With the efforts of two local mothers, Megan Martenies and Kortney Dooley, they were compelled to organize an event to help others in the community honor their little loved ones that did not get the chance to continue life on this earth with their families. At 2:00 p.m. over 100 people convened in front of the concession stand complex on the track at Antwerp Local School. After a brief introduction of how the walk would work, the walkers were released to begin their journey of remembrance. The path of the walk was lined with yard signs all around the school grounds of all of the children who went on before their families. It was a touching sight to see families pause before their child’s yard sign to say a prayer and pose for a photo to commemorate the occasion. Grief and loss is what brought a small community together at the Antwerp School campus on October 6th, and it gave all a chance to remember, pray, and heal from a somber event in the families’ pasts. When all returned from the walk, Martenies and Dooley announced all the children who were remembered during this walk, and balloons were available for families to release when their child’s name was called. It was a sobering time of reflection and love from all who observed.

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