T’shuvah, T’filah, and Tz’dakah: YCQ Students Prepare for Yo…

In preparation for Yom Kippur, YCQ students engaged in a variety of meaningful activities to inspire them for the holy day. Students in Grades 1-5 performed kaparos and then donated the money to tz’dakah. The Fifth Grade and Junior High girls ventured to Flushing Meadows-Corona Park to perform Tashlich, while the Junior High boys had the opportunity to hear from the following local rabbanim: Rabbi Ben Tzion Chait, Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Greenberg, and Rabbi Yosef Singer. Later in the week, Junior High School students were moved by special words of chizuk from Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman, the Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim.

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