Bullying accusations at this Herriman school led to 3 police investigations

The kids say they were bullied by the teachers. The teachers say they were bullied by the kids.

Neither side is happy with the way the school handled it.

Athlos Academy is a taxpayer-funded charter school in Herriman. Police were called out to the school three times last school year due to a series of bullying complaints.

Police investigation #1

School investigation #1

Bosten Fry and Xander Jorden are cousins and best friends who used to love Athlos Academy. Their favorite part? Physical education (PE) every day.

They say everything started to change in December when they told their parents what happened after recess with their 5th grade teacher Alyssa Kirkland.

The kids say they were walking back into the classroom, but Xander had his beanie down over his eyes. Bosten was guiding him.

“I was steering him around, because he couldn’t see, to make sure I didn’t run him into a wall,” Bosten said. “He accidentally touched (Kirkland). She smacked him, and he thought it was me until she called him a swear word.”

Story continues