Cottonwood Renaissance festival sees large turnout at Thompson Park

Amarillo’s Cottonwood Faire Renaissance festival, held this past weekend at Thompson Park, drew an impressive crowd, with organizers expressing enthusiasm for the event’s success. The two-day festival, which took place on Saturday and Sunday, offered visitors a full immersion into a medieval fantasy world, complete with live-action role-playing, interactive quests, and themed vendors.

“I was really pleased we decided to do two days this year, and fans came out in force both days,” organizer Josh Wilson said. “Sunday was just as strong as Saturday in terms of attendance. What really stood out was how many people showed up in garb — that’s what we call costumes. Folks either created their own characters or cosplayed someone from a movie or fantasy setting.”

Wilson emphasized the unique appeal of the Cottonwood Renaissance Fair compared to larger festivals in other parts of the state. Because the fair lacks permanent structures, the organizers focused on interactive elements, with attendees fully immersing themselves in quests and storylines created by live-action actors.

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