Grandma Trades Paycheck for Grandkids

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Jo Storm, a grandmother from Wisconsin, quit her job to care for her granddaughter. Her son and daughter-in-law initially paid her $10 per hour for childcare.

However, Storm felt uncomfortable accepting payment as it made her feel like an employee rather than a grandmother. She refused the compensation and provided childcare for free.

Storm believes that caring for her grandchildren is a gift and a privilege. She values the memories and experiences she shares with them above financial compensation.

Despite the financial impact of her decision, Storm’s husband supported her choice. Together, they found ways to make up for the lost income.

Storm has been providing childcare for her granddaughter for 10 years and her grandson for 8 years. She has taken on additional responsibilities, such as teaching them American Sign Language and preparing them for school.

Storm emphasizes the importance of grandparents stepping up for their families when needed. She believes it is not a sacrifice but a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

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