Capitol Rioter Gets 17 Months in Prison

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A Texas woman, Dana Jean Bell, was sentenced to 17 months in prison for her involvement in the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Bell pleaded guilty to assaulting police officers during the attack. Prosecutors described her as a particularly violent rioter who engaged in prolonged attacks on law enforcement. One officer, Jeffrey Smith, later died from injuries sustained during the insurrection.

During the sentencing hearing, videos showed Bell directing obscenities and gestures at officers, including Smith. Bell’s actions were described as “vulnerable” by Smith’s widow, who requested the maximum sentence.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly called Bell’s conduct “utterly disrespectful” and found that her violence set her apart from other rioters. He also noted her ability to reach the Speaker’s Lobby, indicating the seriousness of her actions.

The defense argued that Bell’s violence was triggered by witnessing another rioter being shot. However, the judge rejected this explanation, calling it inconsistent with the evidence.

Bell expressed remorse for her actions and apologized to Erin Smith, the widow of the deceased officer. She admitted taking full responsibility for her criminal conduct.

The sentence of 17 months is less than the 27 months requested by prosecutors. Bell will also serve three years of supervised release and pay $2,000 in restitution.

The sentencing of Bell is one of many expected in the coming weeks as those involved in the Capitol attack face accountability.

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