Sickly old dog left tied to a tree in NYC with gaping wound – as mystery remains over who put it there

A sweet elderly pit bull was left tied to a tree in Queens with a bloody gaping chest wound — and it’s still a mystery who ditched the sickly pooch.

The poor 8-year-old dog was left for dead with advanced-stage mammary cancer near Atlas Mall in Glendale Tuesday, according to City Council members Bob Holden and Joann Ariola.

Neighbors reported the abandoned dog to the lawmakers after confusion about whether the call was a police matter — and bystanders rushed her to a shelter with help from the rescue group Lend-a-Paw, according to a council source.

“[A rescuer] had suspected that she had just given birth due to the amount of blood she was covered in. The dog was clearly in distress and in a lot of pain since she was growling and not allowing anyone to touch her,” Lend-a-Paw wrote on its Facebook page.

The pit bull, which they named Star, was in so much pain due to an “ulcerated and necrotic tumor” she was ultimately euthanized upon a vet’s recommendation, the group said.

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