Opinion: In Oklahoma, we know that government kills opportunity

The Biden administration recently admitted that it will fail to meet its own energy development goals without significant congressional reform to the permitting process. It’s no surprise — the federal government has grown so big that it has become its own worst enemy.

America was built on a foundation of hard work, innovation and the belief that anyone, regardless of background, can achieve success through determination. But over the decades, our government has become more intrusive, and regulation has quietly added hurdle after hurdle for hard-working Americans.

Americans do not wait around for permission to chase our dreams. We are not the type to miss an opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

But Washington’s answer to every problem is another piece of legislation. And what’s a bill without a hefty price tag? Then you need a layer of bureaucracy to enforce the provisions of the bill, cementing a spending commitment for generations to come.

There seems to be a notion that more rules equal more progress. But in reality, each brick we throw on the pile just buries the American Dream.

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