Louisville, photographed from across the Ohio River just after sunset, was in the running to host the Sundance Film Festival but did not make the most recent cut. (Getty Images)
The recent decision by Sundance to eliminate Louisville from consideration as a potential festival location is not surprising, and a good call. It was astounding that Louisville even made the short list of potential host cities given Kentucky’s numerous human rights violations, which contradict the ethos and equity values Sundance says it holds.
Sundance’s decision to exclude Louisville from consideration as a future festival location was a necessary choice, and an unfortunate foreshadowing of Kentucky tourism.
At the heart of Sundance’s ethos is a community agreement rooted in respect, equity, and inclusion. Their mission celebrates diversity, creativity, and freedom of expression — qualities that cannot thrive in a state that has enacted draconian laws and perpetuated systemic discrimination. The reality is clear: Out of touch lawmakers have eroded the rights of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. Our commonwealth is now a place where women’s reproductive autonomy has been stripped away, LGBTQ+ rights are under siege, and systemic racism runs rampant within law enforcement and other institutions.