Legendary coach travels to Juarez to help kids in tough neighborhood in Mexico south of El Paso

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO (KVIA): TUNE IN TO ABC-7 AFTER THE MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL GAME & ABC-7 AT TEN TO SEE THIS IN-DEPTH STORY : Scores of kids in the southern outskirts of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico stand patiently in line, trying to contain their excitement, as they wait to get their free soccer gear while legendary high school football coach Jeff Scurran gives “high 5’s” to the children and hands out the goodies.

The group of kids, who’s ages range from 12 to 15-years old, live in “Colonia Mezquital”, one of the most marginal neighborhoods in Ciudad Juarez, the border city of nearly 2 million people just across the border from El Paso, Texas.

In the center of the neighborhood, is a church and community center called ” CompaƱerismo de Gracia “, which serves free meals to kids in Colonia Mesquital and also offers them a safe haven in order to get off the streets and avoid temptations of drugs, gangs and other negative influences.

In another KVIA edition of “People, Places & Paul” , ABC-7 anchor Paul Cicala drove to South Juarez alongside of legendary football Coach Jeff Scurran, who has over 300 career victories coaching at the high school, college and pro level, to capture this amazing story of goodwill.

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