Council denies University Heights rezoning for commercial use, citing flaws in process

The University Heights rezoning case reached a new milestone Monday night as Springfield City Council finally voted on the controversial proposal to develop the northwest corner of National Avenue and Sunshine Street for commercial use — rejecting the rezoning 4-4, with voting council members split in their views.

The city had received a sufficient protest petition from neighbors related to the rezoning, which meant the case needed a supermajority, or six votes in favor, for approval. Councilman Matt Simpson has recused himself from the case to avoid any potential conflict of interest, due to a family member having a connection with the applicant. Council members Abe McGull, Callie Carroll, Derek Lee and Mayor Ken McClure all voted in support of the proposal, with the other four opposed.

The rezoning application sought to change the property to a general retail district, which covers a variety of commercial uses. A conditional overlay district was a part of the proposal, limiting the allowed uses and spelling out details of design, buffers and traffic flow. The COD prohibited a number of uses including drive-thrus, daycares, food trucks and gas stations. It did allow for restaurants, hotels, medical offices and residential uses among others. In the event that a residential use was pursued, it would have to have been either above or behind nonresidential uses and would have been limited to a maximum of 75 dwelling units. Any building would have been limited to 45 feet in height, the same as is allowed for single-family residential zoning.

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