Heart to heart; Sentara support group good for the soul and for your health

“Medically, there’s no explanation of why I’m alive,” Rufe Vanderpool told me as we sat down to talk about his heart.

You wouldn’t know it just by looking at him, but Rufe Vanderpool is a heart transplant recipient.

I met him and other patients as they gathered for their support group at Sentara’s Heart Hospital.

Watch: Sentara Health and EVMS launch new program to help those battling sickle cell disease

Sentara Health and EVMS released a new plan to help those battling sickle cell disease

He says each of us is connected to heart disease and stroke in one way or another, but there’s hope in the fact that each of us can do something to help change that.

Mr. Vanderpool volunteers his time at the hospital to help others like him at their monthly group meeting.

This group of survivors often has these heart to hearts.

“Every person in that room should be dead. And they’re not,” said Mr. Vanderpool.

Watch: Sentara Health to take on more resident physicians to address shortage

Sentara Health to take on more resident physicians to address shortage

Story continues