Turlock Irrigation District is placing solar panels atop canals. And the world is watching

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The state granted $20 million to the Turlock Irrigation District in 2022 to test the idea of solar panels atop canals.

The project was delayed by design challenges, but installation finally started in May on a small canal stretch southwest of Keyes. It could be generating power by year’s end, to be followed next summer by a second test site east of Hickman.

While increasing the supply for TID’s electricity customers, the panels also could reduce evaporation. Taking the concept statewide could be a key step against climate change, the University of California reported in 2021 .

UC Merced researchers will monitor the systems for power output, evaporation savings and whether the panels interfere with canal operations. TID will retain them after data collection ends in June 2026.

“This is a proof of concept to see if it really works,” said Josh Weimer, external affairs director at TID. “Hopefully, others will be able to use the information.”

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