Dog in shelter for 400 days does ‘happy dance’ when people walk past. He needs a home

An overlooked dog has spent more than 400 days in a North Carolina shelter — and he still needs a home.

“This sweet, mature boy, who wants nothing more than for you to sit with him or take him out and throw tennis balls, shows so much excitement when he sees someone walk past,” Burlington Animal Services wrote Oct. 21 on Facebook. “He does a tiny little happy dance. Sometimes the person visits with him. Sometimes they don’t. But in the end, Butch is left alone , waiting for the next person.”

The shelter said “it can be hard to watch Butch” and believes his year spent in a kennel is taking its toll on him.

“He gets up a little less frequently,” the shelter wrote. “He tends to just lie on the floor next to his bed. And, he has picked up a habit of licking the glass front of his room, a sign of the stress that he feels after being in a kennel for so long.”

Butch’s journey toward adoption started in January 2023, when he came to the shelter as a lost dog and never got reclaimed. He was adopted after a few months but returned in September 2023 as his owner experienced homelessness , Animal Services wrote in social media posts and an email to McClatchy News.

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