Denver opens affordable apartment complex for seniors on holy land

Officials from Denver’s Department of Housing Stability, or HOST, joined the mayor, City Council members and Catholic Charities representatives Thursday to celebrate the grand opening of an affordable apartment complex for seniors.

The 60-units All Saints Apartments, 2595 S. Federal, is built on Catholic Charities land. “Affordable housing for our growing number of seniors is a crucial need in southwest Denver,” said City Council member Kevin Flynn in a news release. “There is no more fitting location for it than here on Federal Boulevard, on a long-vacant piece of holy ground that seems it’s just been waiting for this purpose.”

HOST provided $2,452,000 in financing to help make the development possible, according to the news release. Other public finance partners on the project include the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority and the Colorado Division of Housing.

‘Not leaving anyone behind’

“Working toward a Denver where everyone can afford to live means not leaving anyone behind; least of all those who have long called our city home,” said Mayor Mike Johnston in the news release. “We’re proud to support projects like All Saints, which ensures seniors have a space that is not only affordable but beautiful and environmentally efficient.”

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