Evictions: What To Do If You’re Being Evicted From Off-Campus Housing

Adulting Lesson #2: Sometime you have to move back home if you can’t afford to live on your own

In this current economy a lot of people are struggling to pay rent including students. Many students work and go to school, but what happens when you don’t make enough and you fall behin inrent. It’s sad and scary, but it’s a hard reality far too many have to face. This article is for our hardworking students that can’t afford to pay thier rent face evictions. Please note: most of this information can apply to anyone who is being evicted.

There’s a little hope – Philly City Council has worked to help lower eviction rates by making the Eviction Diversion program permanant and added Right to Counsel (to certain zip codes). So here’s some advice to help you:

Eviction Help

Don’t panic or suffer in silence. Contact your family, and a housing advocate and let them help you make a plan. Get a notebook and write EVERYTHING down. This is a time-sensitve and stressful matter so you will be talking to a lot of people and there are a lot of moving parts. You’re not going to remember everything so write down everything and try to use email instead of calls or texts.

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