Heavy Showers & Thunderstorms Possible Across Parts of Tennessee, South Carolina, and North Carolina

Scattered Showers & Thunderstorms Moving Ahead of Cooler & Less Humid Air

10/26/24 1:59pm ET

Good afternoon everyone. As forecasted, we are watching scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms developing along the boundary of a weak cold front representing cooler and drier air.

However, afternoon sunshine combined with relatively warmer and more humid air, has become just enough to spark off some small clusters & popcorn-style showers and thunderstorms across parts of Tennessee and North Carolina. Their east/southeast movement will eventually bring them into western South Carolina as well.

We do have a few heavier isolated cells, and we will also see that trend continue during peak heating of the day into the evening. We see some of that locally heavier action nearing areas such as Asheville, NC, and also drifting just to the south of Knoxville, TN.

We’re also watching another cluster of showers and embedded thunderstorms between Nashiville and Chattanooga. These will eventually drift into northern Georgia, while possibly grazing Chattanooga itself.

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